آدرس سابق «دغدغه های اخلاق و دین» / سید حسن اسلامی

آدرس جدید: HassanEslami.ir

۱۴ مطلب با کلمه‌ی کلیدی «اخلاق پژوهش» ثبت شده است


Academic circles have believed that science and ethics cannot be separated, so the students are taught to learn research ethics and apply the rules of ethical conduct in their term papers and theses or dissertations. From this point of view, the writer of this paper conducted a research on the research books that are written in Persian, to discover the amount of presence of research ethics in these books and the coverage of the issues facing the students in the process of their research. The result shows that the positivistic approach concerning the distinction between facts and value is still dominant in most of these educational books, and they have not freed themselves from this positivistic heritage. In the end, the writer has proposed a solution for overcoming this ethical and educational problem.


Persian Research ethics, Academic Research, the fact/value problem in research books.

published in Metodology of Sicial Science and Humanities, 2012, Issue 69

Also see:

آنت شوان وزیر آموزش آلمان و یار نزدیک مرکل، به انتحال در رساله دکتری خود متهم شد و ناگزیر به اسعفا در روز یک شنبه، 24 فوریه، 2013 شد. این رساله سی سال پیش نوشته شد بود و دانشگاه دوسلدورف مدرک دکتری او را نیز پس گرفت. 

German Education Minister Annette Schavan resigned on Saturday after being stripped of her doctorate for alleged plagiarism, in an embarrassing blow to her ally Angela Merkel. The move came four days after the University of Duesseldorf ruled Schavan, a close confidante to the chancellor, had "systematically and intentionally" copied parts of her thesis, and withdrew her Ph.D, granted more than 30 years ago.

مقاله ام با عنوان «اخلاق پژوهش در تاریخ» در شماره بهمن ماه 1391 در کتاب ماه تاریخ و جغرافیا منتشر شد. 

حجم: 436 کیلوبایت

جلد کتاب ماه تاریخ و جغرافیا شماره 177

نقدی که بر مقاله ای از استاد ثبوت نوشته بودم در آخرین شماره از کتاب ماه فلسفه منتشر شد. میتوانید متن مقاله را از اینجا (سایت کتاب ماه فلسفه) به راحتی دریافت کنید. 

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